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Using Sub-Features

How to use and manage Sub-Features in

Maayan Ayalon avatar
Written by Maayan Ayalon
Updated over 3 years ago

Introduction's workspace has the hierarchy of: Product > Section > Feature > Sub-Features. Sub-features are optional to use. If you haven't already done so, we'd recommend checking out this article to understand's data model in more detail. 

All terms can be fully customized from Workspace Settings > Terminology to best fit your use case.

Sub-features are the smallest parts of your product, here you can list the actual action items in a checklist format. The following article describes the sub-feature characteristics and usage: 

  • Sub-features inherit their parent's Objective, Key Result and Release which cannot be changed on sub-feature level.

  • Sub-features also inherit their parent's Sprint assignment if exists, but this can be changed later on sub-feature level later if needed.

  • Sub-features are released/unreleased only when their parent features are released/unreleased. 

Creating and editing sub-features

From the feature panel click '+ Sub-feature' or select to Add Sub-feature from feature 3-dots menu;

Create as many sub-features as you need. To open a sub-feature in full edit mode click the arrow icon which appears when you hover the cursor over sub-feature.

In sub-feature view, you can assign to a sprint, add a description, attachments, related items, and edit properties.

Assigning sub-features

To assign a sub-feature to a team or team member, click Assignee icon next to the title, select the assignee and the workflow status to assign, default status is To Do.

Changing the status of sub-features

The workflow status of a sub-feature can be changed from Assignee dropdown menu.
Additionally, you can quickly set sub-feature to Done state by marking its checkbox on the checklist. Unmarking the checkbox returns the sub-feature to its previous status. The completion percentage is displayed on the top of the list; 

Managing your Work Log

The Estimated, Actual Time and planned dates for each sub-feature, can be set at the Work Log tab at the sub-feature properties panel.

Other values that can be set on the sub-feature level includes Story Points, Importance, label tags and any custom field; For more about feature right manu look Here

At the parent level, you can choose to see the Work Log based on sub-features. The sum of sub-features Story Points, Estimated and Actual Time, as well as Dates aggregating the earliest start date and latest end date of all sub-features.

Viewing Sub-features in Table view

At the Prioritize Table view, add the Parent column as a column to your view. It will show sub-features parent. 

Note: by default, sub-features are filtered out from All features view, make sure to include them by type or by clearing filters. For more about Table view look Here .

You can also group any prioritize view (Table, Kanban or dependencies) by Parent, the parent features will be displayed on top. For more about Prioritizing in look Here .

Filter by parent

To filter any item by it's parent or sub-features click the filter icon at the mini properties panel. A list of the parent with all its sub-features is displayed.

To unselect filtering, clear the filters.

Searching by Sub-features

To include sub-features in your search results, click Search and Filter, choose the Type filter and select Sub-feature;

Excluding Sub-features from a view

To exclude sub-features for your search results, click Search and Filter, choose the Type-Not filter and select Sub-feature; 

For more about Search and Filter look Here

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