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Account Management

Managing Your Account in

Maayan Ayalon avatar
Written by Maayan Ayalon
Updated over a week ago subscriptions are managed by the account owner from the owner's Account Settings. The account owner is the one who initially creates a new Workspace in

All subscription and license-related activities are managed by the account owner, including:

  • Purchasing a subscription

  • Selecting and updating your pricing plan 

  • Watching your current app usage and your next charge amount 

  • Updating credit card details

  • Removing users from the account

From the User Profile menu at the top right corner, select Account Settings. ​
Note- if subscribed using a credit card, the account owner can manage the subscription details independently in this portal, which will redirect to our external service provider.

Simply click on Manage your billing. Billing Portal - Watch Video

​You can use the Upgrade button to upgrade from a free trial to a paid account, from a Starter to a Pro plan, and from a monthly to an annual subscription. For more on our pricing offers, head here.

You will be charged according to the selected plan and your current usage.
Please note- users are managed under the Workspace Settings=> Team Manager.
To read more about Team Manager click here.

To update your personal data or reset your password, switch to the User Profile option from the left menu:

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