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Required Fields

Release Notes | September 10th, 2024

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 6 months ago

Key Takeaways

Required Fields

Tailoring a workflow that fits your team’s needs involves identifying the critical data that drives your process. For example, in many organizations, specifying acceptance criteria is a vital step. Skipping this can lead to confusion and less-than-optimal outcomes for developers. To support better workflow management, this release introduces the ability for workspace and portfolio admins to mark specific item fields as required.

When a field is marked as required, a red asterisk appears next to its name in the item panel, alerting users that this field must be completed. While users will be notified of any empty required fields upon entering an item, they will still have the flexibility to fill these fields later. You can designate system fields, custom fields, and portfolio fields as required.

Hide Fields from Item Panel

A few months ago, we introduced the option to hide custom fields in the item panel, helping to reduce clutter. With this release, we’re expanding this capability: workspace admins can now hide system fields, such as sprints, dates, and more, giving teams even more control over their workspace layout.

Release Video

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