Key Takeaways
Inter-Workspace Dependencies visible on workspace - Higher level of transparency, helping teams stay aligned and informed about potential impacts on their work.
Create & Manage Inter-Workspace Dependencies on workspace - Dependencies can now be managed within your workspace, eliminating the need to navigate away.
Inter-Workspace Dependencies visible on workspace
The Inter-Workspace Dependencies feature makes dependencies between items in different workspaces possible, allowing teams to coordinate their efforts better and proactively address potential blockers. Until now, inter-workspace dependencies were visible only on the portfolio level. In this release, dependencies between items across different workspaces are now visible directly within each workspace. This means you can easily see if your items are blocking others or if other items are blocking you, regardless of the workspace they belong to. This improvement provides much higher transparency and helps teams stay aligned and informed about potential impacts on their work.
Create & Manage Inter-Workspace Dependencies on workspace
Previously, adding a dependency was only possible from the portfolio level. Now you can create and manage dependencies without leaving your workspace. Users with the relevant permissions in the portfolio can create and manage dependencies directly from the workspace. Additionally, dependencies can be updated or deleted according to recent changes. Simply open the item panel, add the item you wish to create the dependency with, and edit the relationship directly from within the workspace. This functionality is available to users with portfolio permissions of owner, admin, or editor.
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