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Release Notes 06/06/2024

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 4 months ago

Today we are introducing our new OKRs solution, which places OKRs at the center of our product. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a powerful tool for organizations, especially in the realm of product management. They provide a framework that aligns product outcomes and roadmaps with company strategy, ensuring that every product decision contributes directly to the organization's overarching goals.

Key Takeaways

Comprehensive OKRs Solution

In our latest release, we've introduced a new module dedicated to creating, managing, and viewing OKRs, featuring a new view and enhanced data types.'s Objectives and Key Results now offer multiple properties, enabling users to represent OKR data more precisely. To improve the management and presentation of OKRs, they are now accessible through a new designated space in the form of a table. Additionally, we've enhanced the way OKRs are linked to roadmaps and working items. Let's explore these new and improved features in detail:

  • OKRs Table View: Our new table view allows you to easily create, visualize, and manage your OKRs data. Access this feature by clicking "Strategy" in the top bar and selecting the "Objectives & Key Results" table view.

  • Enriched OKRs - In addition to title and description, OKRs now support the following fields and properties:
    - Quarter field
    - Assignee field
    - Comments
    Users can now assign these fields to Objectives and Key Results, and also filter or group them in the OKR table. This feature enables you to create an OKR-based roadmap and assign an owner for each OKR.

  • OKR Parent-Child Relationship: Objectives and Key Results now support a parent-child relationship, ensuring that every Key Result is directly linked to a single Objective.

  • Advanced Linking of OKRs and Working Items: We have enhanced the process of connecting working items to OKRs in two key ways. First, Objectives and Key Results are now bound together, requiring working items to be first assigned to an Objective and then to a KR. Second, we have introduced the option to connect a working item to more than one Objective and/or KR, supporting items that contribute to multiple OKRs.

Note: All previously entered OKR data will be retained and seamlessly migrated to the new OKR solution Learn More

OKR Workflows

OKRs are not just about presenting and connecting them with outputs (i.e. working items). With our latest release,'s OKRs solution now addresses one of the biggest challenges product managers face: choosing the right OKRs. provides a complete and comprehensive OKR workflow that includes planning, prioritizing, and tracking the progress of the OKRs. One can now add custom fields to OKRs, either predefined (AKA Guru OKR fields), or completely customized - selection fields, number fields, text fields, formulas and more.

Utilize OKR custom fields to set a planning process tailored to your company's needs, using any relevant data such as resources, due date, risks, and challenges; add notes or reasons to communicate effectively; add auxiliary OKR data for much more detailed OKRs; utilize the data for informed decision-making.

Track the progress of OKR outcomes, not just outputs, with a variety of tracking methodologies ranging from simple status updates to score trackin, and advanced formulas. Use our Guru custom fields or create your own OKR fields of various types to enrich your OKRs, facilitate collaboration and communication, and create a workflow that works best for you.

Multi-level OKRs's Multi-level OKRs feature addresses the challenge of aligning individual team OKRs with broader company objectives. It's essential for company direction to be reflected in individual team OKRs to ensure that team efforts contribute effectively to the overall company strategy. allows you to create company OKRs at the portfolio level, developing a company-wide, top-down OKRs framework that applies to all teams. Additionally, you can visualize team OKRs from various workspaces across the company portfolio.

Moreover, you can connect team OKRs with company OKRs to communicate how the company strategy is implemented on the team level.

To create company-wide OKRs, navigate to your Portfolio management platform and create OKRs from the OKR view. To connect workspace Objectives with Portfolio Objectives, access the workspace Objective panel and select the desired objective in the Parent objective value. Portfolio OKRs can be connected to working items of type "initiatives," while workspace OKRs can be connected to working items of types "epics," "features," and "stories."

Visualizing OKRs with working items

Visualizing and tracking OKRs is crucial for effectively conveying strategic plans.'s new solution enables seamless connection of OKRs to working items, allowing you to visualize these connections in various views for effective sharing with colleagues and stakeholders. By grouping by objectives, you can easily visualize the related working items and toggle progress bars to measure the progress of OKRs through outputs. This feature enhances transparency and alignment within teams, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the organization's objectives and their progress.

🎥 Watch Release Video

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