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Item conversion

Release notes 13/12/22

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over a week ago

Key Takeaways

  • Item conversion - change an existing item or items from one type to another

Item conversion

Item conversion is the ability to change an existing item to a different type. Up until now, item types could only be changed at the feature level, alternating between Feature, Bug, Task, Requirement and Idea. In this release, we added the ability to convert items to a different hierarchy level. You can now convert Products, Epics, Features and Sub-features one by one via the item menu or multiple items at once via the bulk update feature.

To support’s hierarchy, when converting an item to another type, all the item’s children are converted accordingly. For example: Feature converted to an Epic will have its children converted to Features. Make sure to check our article to learn more about Items conversion.

Single item conversion

Convert multiple items

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