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All CollectionsRelease NotesMarch 2022 Release Notes
Card Customization, Capacity Planning Enhancements and more..
Card Customization, Capacity Planning Enhancements and more..

Release Notes - 10/03/22

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 3 years ago

Key Takeaways

  • Card customization - Easily customize card's visualization by deciding which fields you want to display on your cards.

  • Capacity Planning enhancements - Smarter capacity calculation including capacity per person, number of people and buffer subtraction.

  • Date alignment- Adjust items to their release/sprint/Epic/Feature dates to easily visualize and align the entire group's time range.

  • Single Select default value - Define a default value for every single-selection field.

Card customization

Kanban and Swimlane views are great to visualize your work, prioritize, build roadmaps, and share them with stakeholders or customers. Until now, each card always showed the item status, assignee, progress and more. While these properties are valuable, in some cases you may want to hide specific information to avoid clutter or keep other information to yourself. Now you can easily define which information your cards will display. By default, all information will be displayed. In order to hide some of the information, simply click on the “Layout” button and uncheck the fields you wish to hide.

Net Capacity Calculation

Capacity planning is a process of matching items' effort to the capacity of a release or a sprint. It’s not trivial to perform the calculation of the net capacity as it may rely on multiple factors such as time, number of allocated people, and a buffer for holidays and unexpected developments.

Until now, the net capacity calculation was made manually. In this release, we have added the option to enter the capacity per person, the number of people, and the buffer; will calculate the net capacity for you. This improvement will make the net capacity calculation easier, more accurate, and more transparent. Please note that you can still fill the net capacity manually.

In order to calculate the net capacity, simply click on the capacity counter on the column header to enter all the different parameters.

Capacity Excess Visual Indication

The Capacity Planning bar visualizes the total effort in comparison to the net capacity of the release or sprint. If the total effort is bigger than the defined capacity, then the bar is colored in red. In order to distinguish between minor excess and a significant one, the bar will be colored in dark red if the effort exceeds the capacity by more than 20%.

Date Alignment

At, each working item (Epic, Feature, Sub-Feature etc.) has a start & end date property. While it is useful to have the freedom to define a time range for each item independently, it is sometimes necessary to align items with release/sprint/Epic dates, i.e. that the item dates will be within the range of the release or sprint.

In this release we added the functionality to align the dates of a release/sprint/Epic/Feature items to the selected time range with a click of a button. Using this functionality will move items’ dates within the time range of the selected container. In order to do so, simply select release/sprint/Epic/Feature group in Strategic roadmap/Timeline/Kanban/Table views, select 3 dots action to align all children items' dates. You can also align children items’ dates directly from the Epic and Feature properties panel.

Single select default value

Single selection fields allow you to apply values to your work items; you can define simple text values or a combination of texts with numerical values. Until now, when adding a new item, the default value of the selection fields was ‘none’. Now, you can easily define a default value, so that for every new item created that value will be applied automatically.

We hope you enjoy’s latest features! Jump into and try them out for yourself.

And don't forget to give us your feedback and thoughts in our Feedback Portal.

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