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04/10/21 Release Notes

Kanban dividers & Multi-line text field

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over a week ago

Key Takeaways

  • Kanban Dividers - Divide Kanban columns into subgroups

  • Multi-line Text - a new custom field type, which can also be synced to Jira & Azure DevOps

Kanban Dividers

The Kanban view is great for visualizing processes and roadmaps. Kanban columns are defined by the grouping type you choose (e.g. Releases, Sprints, Products). With this release, you can now visualize a second level of grouping by using the Kanban Dividers: after toggling on the dividers option from the sort by dropdown, each column will include title dividers that divide the column item into subgroups. These dividers will only be visible if your selected sorting field is of type single selection. This feature is great if you wish to have a second level of grouping - for example, if you group by release and sort by product, then for each release you’ll have the items grouped by the various products.

Multi-line Text Field

We’ve added a new type of custom field: Multi-line text field, that can be added from the Workspace Settings menu. This custom field allows you to add additional description fields such as Acceptance Criteria, Executive Summary, Release Notes, etc., to the item. Multi-line text fields support rich text formatting, and can be mapped and synced to Jira and Azure DevOps correlating multi-line fields.

We hope you enjoy’s latest features! Jump into and try them out for yourself.

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