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15/03/21 Release Notes

Introducing Guru Views

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 4 years ago Views enable product managers to capture and visualize nearly all the data related to their products. The wide variety of view types (Table, Kanban, and more) combined with the flexibility to filter, group, and sort by any field, and the ability to add various custom fields, empower product managers to more easily focus on different aspects of their product data. With Views, you can create an unlimited number of views, each one for a specific goal.

However, we’ve noticed that not all product managers know how to make the most out of all these capabilities. What’s more, some product managers are not completely at ease with some of the more innovative product management methodologies that we’ve made available on the platform. We recognized that we’d need to put in some extra work to make it easier for you to realize the full potential of everything we have on offer.

The result is what we like to call Guru Views. This curated collection is inspired by the gurus of the product management profession. We’ve taken the best, most effective views created by the leading product managers in the world to create a prepackaged collection of world-class methodologies to help you plan, prioritize and visualize your product items more effectively.

Guru Views

In this release, we bring you the Guru Views, a collection of preset views made specifically for product managers to do their job more effectively. These views encompass industry best practices across a variety of disciplines: prioritization, roadmapping, strategy, task management, and more. By clicking the Guru Views button on the bottom left-hand side of the screen, you can now launch a window displaying all of our curated views. Just click on the view that you want and then on the Add View button to add it to your Personal Views.

View Types

Each view represents an optimal configuration for a given use case. For example, the Bug Status Guru View uses a Table View with all of the necessary columns and shows only Bug items. The Objectives Overview Guru View uses a Kanban View and displays only Epics.

When adding some of the views, you’ll be asked to specify your current focal area before being able to proceed. For example, in the Upcoming Sprints Guru View, you’ll need to select the specific sprints that you want to focus on; once added, your new view will be automatically filtered according to your selection. These sorts of views are perfect for recurring use -- as per the example above, you can recreate the Upcoming Sprints Guru View whenever a new sprint is launched.

Some of the views have prerequisites that must be met before you can add them. For example, the Jira Dev Status Guru View can only be added once bi-directional synchronization has been set up between and Jira.

Last but not least, some of the views require the creation of custom fields. For example, the RICE Prioritization Guru View needs Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort fields to calculate the RICE score. If you are a workspace admin, adding these views will automatically create those custom fields for you (after your confirmation); users with other permissions will have to wait for their admin before they can use these views, as only admins can add custom fields to the workspace.

View Categories

So which kind of views can you find in the Guru Views?

  • Prioritization Views - Prioritization Views are perhaps the most interesting ones we have on offer. In this category you can find all of the principal prioritization methodologies used throughout the profession - RICE, MoSCoW, SAFe, Kano, and many more.

  • Roadmap & Objectives - This category delivers a variety of specific Roadmap Views that lean on industry best practices. In addition, other views in this category concentrate on the Releases and Objectives fields.

  • Segmentation Views - Views that focus on the segmentation and classification of your items - Region (EMEA, LATAM, etc.), Platform (Desktop, Mobile, etc.), and Customer (SMB, Enterprise, etc.)

  • Tasks & Items Views - Views that are very useful for day-to-day task management, e.g. display tasks assigned to you, to a team, or colleagues.

  • Dev & Bugs Views - Views that focus on the dev process - display the Jira/ADO statuses of your items, focus on the open bugs, etc.

Guru Views & Workspace Views

Many of the views are appropriate for sharing with the entire team and can be added as Workspace Views. To do that, first, add a view from the Guru Views to your Personal Views. Then, after fine-tuning the view to meet the needs of your team, save it as a Workspace View from the view’s Actions button.

We hope you enjoy’s latest features! Jump into and try them out for yourself.

And don't forget to give us your feedback and thoughts in our Feedback Portal.

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