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22/02/21 Release Notes

New feedback email notifications & JQL import options

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 4 years ago

Today we are pleased to announce that we’re releasing a number of new features. The main one is the frequently requested “Feedback Added” email notification. But that’s not all, we’ve also added several additional features (as well as several bug fixes) in the main app.

“Feedback Added” Notifications

You asked, we listened! One of the more popular feature requests we receive from our customers (Hi Joe 👋) is the ability to receive an email notification when new feedback is added to the Feedback Portal. We’re happy to inform you that we have implemented this request in this release!

Now all team members except for Reviewers and Contributors will receive email notifications whenever new feedback is added. Not interested in receiving updates about feedback? No problem! You can choose to opt-out of receiving these email notifications in the Notification Settings under the Personal Area.

JQL Import from Jira

We’ve also continued developing our Jira integration, adding new options for importing issues from a Jira project to In addition to sync all open issues, you can now control exactly which issues you’d like to import from your Jira project (also closed issues), by submitting a Jira Query Language (JQL) query. We suggest you do a dry-run of your query on Jira before using it in Please note that this feature is currently in Beta, and will be opened to users gradually, upon request.

Additional features coming your way

  • If your Feedback Portal is connected to a single workspace, users will now be automatically redirected there when entering the portal (instead of having to select the workspace first).

  • We’ve also added the ability to group and filter by Persona, enabling persona-related advanced views.

  • We’ve developed the option to perform bulk changes of items’ dates: just select several items → from the multiselect bar click the “more” button → select the new dates.

We hope you enjoy’s latest features! Jump into and try them out for yourself.

And don't forget to give us your feedback and thoughts in our Feedback Portal.

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