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24/11/20 Release Notes

Feedback Form & Improved filtering selection

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over 4 years ago

Feedback Form & Improved filtering selection

One of our most popular features is the Feedback Portal, which provides product managers a great way to easily receive feedback about their product both from internal and external users. This feedback can later be connected to existing items in the app, to take informed product decisions.

In this release we are proud to introduce a great improvement in the Feedback Portal - the Feedback Form.

Feedback Form

Until now, users entering the portal could leave a general feedback, without further guidance. In this release, we have added the ability to add to the portal specific questions, to direct the users to provide you with the answers you are looking for, to get the most of the feedback. For example, users can now add questions such as “Are there any other features you'd like to see us add?”, “What can we do to make our product better?”, or even “How would you describe your experience?”. Alternatively, if the portal is used internally to get feature requests, you could direct your peers to address your needs with questions such as “What is the problem you are trying to solve?”, “Who is the user impacted by this problem?”, and “What is the business value/benefit to the user?”.

Feedback questions can be defined as “required” in order to ensure receiving answers to the important questions. You can add as many questions as needed, and use the portal for forms, surveys and more.

If you are puzzled about what you could ask, we have added a large bank of preset questions you could add with a click, that represent some of the best practices for feedback collection in the industry.


Improved filtering selection

We have also added a helpful feature for the filters in the app. When you filter a selection field, we have now added the option to “select all” fields, which checks all the options. This is very useful when you want to show all options except for one - in that case just select all options with the “select all” button, and then deselect the option you would like to filter out (that is instead of selecting all the options you’d like to show one by one).

select all

We hope you enjoy’s latest features! Jump into and try them out for yourself.

And don't forget to give us your feedback and thoughts in our Feedback Portal.

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