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03/11/2019 Release Notes

What’s New in the Strategic Roadmap

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over a week ago

Check Out What’s New in the Strategic Roadmap

Now you can view and manage your features list, set release progress by time passed and much more!

At, we know how important a clear, dynamic roadmap is for defining and sharing your product strategy. 

So we’ve taken our Strategic Roadmap and given it a major revamp, significantly improving the user experience while adding a whole new “Features” view.

Here’s a guide to the new features:

Quickly Filter the Details shown in Your Roadmap

The new dropdown in the Strategic Roadmap gives you the option to view the Objectives and Key Results or the list of features assigned to a release.

This helps you focus roadmap communication with different stakeholder groups - show OKRs when showcasing your high level strategy or choose “Features” when discussing the details with your dev or sales teams.

You can also select “Releases” if you just want to see the header for each release. 

Manage your features directly in the Roadmap timeline

When your roadmap is in “Features” view you can manage any of your features and even create brand new features, all without leaving the roadmap.

  • Access the details of any feature and make edits.

  • Assign features to a release from inside the roadmap timeline as well as from the side panel.

  • Create new features and edit them by clicking the + button in the Assign Feature menu - either from within the roadmap timeline or the side panel.

Set Progress According to Time

The new roadmap gives you the option to automatically set the progress of a release according to the time that has passed by clicking the "Set by time" button in the side panel. Previously completion progress could only be set manually.

Other UI Improvements

Today Marker

We’ve added a “Today” marker on the timeline so it’s easy to see where you are right now. And there’s also a “Today” button which instantly takes you to today’s date.


The Lanes UI has been improved to make the delineation clearer. And the option to move lanes up and down has been added to the “3 dots” menu.


Releases View

 The Releases view has been improved to match the roadmap timeline - you can now assign features from the Release view by clicking “Assign Feature”.


Check Out the New Roadmap

The new Strategic Roadmap is already live in So log in right now and try it out.

And then let us know what you think about these and any other features by adding a comment to our Idea Portal.


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