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Feedback Portal Company Enhancements

Release Notes | February 20th, 2025

Roni Ben-Aharon avatar
Written by Roni Ben-Aharon
Updated over a month ago

Key Takeaways

Surfacing Companies in the Feedback Portal

Companies, representing customer accounts or organizations, are now more integrated into the Feedback Portal. The Company field is now part of the feedback form when administrative users submit feedback, allowing them to associate feedback with a specific company. Additionally, this field is now visible within feedback items, enhancing traceability and management.

Company Information on the Feedback Tab

To enhance visibility, company details are now surfaced in the core app within the Feedback tab of each item. Alongside individual feedback entries, users can now see the associated company and its assigned value. Furthermore, the total aggregated value of feedback from all companies is prominently displayed at the top, helping teams assess the overall impact.

Bulk Deletion of Companies

Managing company lists is now more efficient with the ability to delete multiple companies in one action. Users can simply multi-select companies from the Companies screen and delete them via the bulk change bar, streamlining administrative tasks. As an additional enhancement, when deleting a company, users can choose what to do with its users and feedback β€” either transfer both to another company of their choice or delete the users while keeping the feedback unassociated with any company.

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